Pokemon Violet and Scarlet

Pokémon Battle Team Setup: Scizor Beatdown


We are back at it once again in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet with another Battle Team Setup. This Doubles Battle Team doesn’t have a unique name, but I’m calling it Scizor Beatdown. I’m always looking for unique teams in the future but I like Scizor and have seen someone using this team. The competitive scene for these games is getting super intense and people and players are only getting better. So let’s get into this Pokémon Team Scizor Beatdown. Shout out to Jeans on YouTube which is where I saw it.

Rental Code: HPCLBD

Team Characteristics

For this Pokémon Team known as Scizor Beatdown, we have some cool things. Maushold which is typically used as a support-style Pokémon on this team dishes out some punishment thanks to the move set. My favorite team member is definitely Scizor who I used the most. Scizor along with Chien-Pao are used to put the hurting on opposing Pokémon. Like many teams out there we have a Flutter Mane, which isn’t too special but is the best build for it. We have Iron Bundle which is utilizing an Encore build. Lastly, we have a tank/support style Gyarados who if utilized correctly can gain us big advantages in certain situations.

Chien-Pao tends to be a popular choice, thanks to its ability being so good. Scizor being able to U-Turn to escape into a different Pokémon to better fit the situation is great. Also, his Clear Amulet boosting the power of his weaker moves helps tremendously. Normally the teams I have used Gyarados on use him as a damage dealer, but is cool to have a “tanky” one that has a good support build. Maushold which I was the least familiar with turned out to be very useful with his setup as well.  I was very pleased with this team.


Our first Pokémon on the team is my favorite and none other than the Bug/Steel-type Scizor. Scizor is a male and is by far one of the Pokémon I use the most on the team. The matchups I face allowed me to thrive with him. His ability is called Technician which increases the power of moves which have a power of 60 or less by 50%. He is holding the Clear Amulet which prevents the holder from having its stats lowered by other Pokémon’s moves or abilities. This does exclude effects like Haze and Clear Smog. The three highest stats for this Scizor are Attack, Hit Points, and Defense.

Bullet Punch, U-Turn, Close Combat, and Protect are the moves Scizor has. Bullet Punch has a lower power which is buffed thanks to the Clear Amulat. It also has a priority of +1, so is used before all moves that do not have increased priority. U-Turn is a Bug-type move that deals damage and allows the user to switch out to another Pokémon. Close Combat is a strong attacking move that also lowers the user’s Defense and Special Def stats. Protect is a move that enables the user to protect themselves from most attacks. But like I always say it has a chance of failing rises if it is used in succession. Scizor is super weak to Fire-type Pokémon.


The second member is the Dark/Ice-type Chien Pao. This damage dealer has the ability Sword of Ruin which decreases the Defense stat of all Pokémon on the field other than the Pokémon with this Ability by 25%. Which is great when you are applying the beatdown. Chien-Pao is holding a Focus Sash, so if the holder has full HP and is hit by an attack that would otherwise cause fainting, it survives with 1 HP. Chien-Pao is popular, so you can expect to see a lot of this Pokémon especially in ranked. The two highest stats on Chien-Pao are Speed and Attack, so it’s super fast and hits super hard.

Sucker Punch, Ice Spinner, Sacred Sword, and Protect are the moves Chien-Pao has. Sucker Punch is a damage-dealing move that has a priority of +1, so it is used before all moves that do not have increased priority. If Sucker Punch’s target has selected a physical or special attack and has not yet had a chance to execute its move, Sucker Punch will damage the target; otherwise, Sucker Punch will fail. Ice Spinner is a damage-dealing Ice-type move that gets rid of the battlefield’s terrain. Sacred Sword inflicts damage, ignoring the target’s Defense and Evasion stat changes. The move Protect like always is a move that enables the user to protect themselves from most attacks. Can fail if it’s used in succession. Chien-Pao is weak to Fire, Bug, Rock, Steel, and Fairy-type Pokémon, and super weak to Fighting types.


Next up on the team is the cute Normal-type Maushold. Typically a lot of people tend to lean toward the support role for this Pokémon, but on this team, we are dishing out damage. Maushold has the ability Technician like Scizor. Technician which increases the power of moves that have a power of 60 or less by 50%. Wide Lens is what Maushold is holding which slightly boosts the accuracy of the holder’s moves. Speed, Attack, and Hit Points are the three highest stats for Maushold.

Population Bomb, Shadow Claw, Substitute, and Protect are the moves we have for Maushold. Population Bomb inflicts damage, hitting the target up to ten times per use. Each of Population Bomb’s strikes has a separate accuracy check. If any strike fails, the move ends. The power is really low, so it will get boosted by the ability Technician. Shadow Claw is a good damaging move that has a heightened chance for a critical hit. What Substitute does is by decreasing its HP by 25% (rounded down) of its maximum HP, the user creates a substitute with the same amount of HP as it lost. The last move is Protect which enables the user to protect themselves from most attacks. But like I always say it has a chance of failing rises if it is used in succession. Maushold is weak to Fighting-type Pokémon.

Next up on the Pokémon Team, we have the Ghost/Fairy-type Flutter Mane. Nothing super special or different about this one, but do think it’s one of the better builds. Flutter Mane has the ability of Protosynthesis which if it’s in harsh sunlight or is holding Booster Energy, its highest stat (other than HP and taking into account stat stages, but not held items) is increased by 30%, or 50% if Speed is the highest stat. If multiple stats are tied for highest, Protosynthesis breaks the tie by prioritizing Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed, in that order. The item it’s holding is the Life Orb which boosts the power of the holder’s moves but causes it to take damage when using damaging moves. Flutter Mane’s three highest stats are Speed, Special Attack, and Special Defense.

Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Shadow Ball, and Protect are the moves for this Pokémon. Dazzling Gleam inflicts damage to all adjacent opponents. Moonblast is a damage-dealing move and has a 30% chance of lowering the target’s Special Attack by one stage. Shadow Ball is a damage-dealing Ghost-type move that may also lower the target’s Special Defense stat. The last move is Protect which enables the user to protect themselves from most attacks. But like I always say it has a chance of failing rises if it is used in succession. Flutter Mane is weak to Ghost and Steel-type Pokémon.


Now we have the “tank” of the team, the Water/Flying-type Gyarados. This Gyarados is our only Pokémon besides Scizor that has a gender and he is a male just like Scizor. Gyarados has the ability Intimidate which lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Attack stat. He is also holding the Safety Goggles which grants the holder immunity to powder and spore moves and to damage from hail and sandstorms. I’m normally accustomed to damage-dealing Gyarados, so this support one was fun to try. The highest stats for him are Hit Points, Attack, Special Defense, and Defense, which you could assume, because he’s a tank.

Waterfall, Thunder Wave, Helping Hand, and Taunt are the moves he knows. Waterfall is a good water-type move that may cause Flinch. Thunder Wave is a non-damaging move that paralyzes the target. Helping Hand assists an ally by boosting the power of that ally’s attack. Taunt makes the afflicted Pokémon unable to use status moves. The effect wears off if the subject is switched out. As you can see he has the potential to be a very strong supporting ally. Gyarados is weak to Rock-type and super weak to Electric-type Pokémon.

Iron Bundle

The last Pokémon on this Doubles Battle Team is the Ice/Water-type Iron Bundle. This Encore build of Iron Bundle has the ability Quark Drive. If it’s on the field and Electric Terrain is active, or the Pokémon is holding Booster Energy, its highest stat (other than HP and taking into account stat stages, but not held items) is increased by 30%, or 50% if Speed is the highest stat. When multiple stats are tied for highest, Quark Drive breaks the tie by prioritizing Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed, in that order. Booster Energy is the item that Iron Bundle is holding which activates its ability. The three highest stats for this Pokémon are Speed, Special Attack, and Hit Points.

Icy Wind, Freeze-Dry, Encore, and Protect are the moves that Iron Bundle has. Icy Wind is a decent damaging move that has a good chance of lowering the target’s Speed stat by one stage. Freeze-Dry is a damage-dealing move with a small chance to Freeze the target. Encore temporarily prevents the target from using any move except the last used move. There are a few instances where it can fail for certain moves. The last move is Protect which enables the user to protect themselves from most attacks. It can fail if used in succession. Iron Bundle is weak to Electric, Grass, Fighting, and Rock-type Pokémon.


This Pokémon team was a lot of fun to use. I had the chance to try different builds I hadn’t used in the past and I enjoyed it. Tank Gyarados with the support moves did prove to be quite useful. I will say all in all my main focus was my favorite of the team Scizor. Using Scizor in combination with Chien-Pao I was able to take down quite a few different teams. You can be comfortable taking this team into Ranked. I played 10 matches and won 8 of them. Felt like the 2 losses were winnable and my inexperience with the team cost me. I made a couple of wrong choices and it cost me the matches.

I am so thankful for the addition of these Pokémon rental codes. It helps tremendously to bring you these different battle teams. If you are interested in my writing about a specific team and you have a rental code for it feel free to contact me here.

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